Sunday, December 25, 2011

Six Pack Abs Routine/Combat Fitness Exercise/Body Power-Jim Brassard Combat Fitness has been sold Internationally. "Visit our site and we'll Email weekly fitness tips & videos.' Dr. James Brassard building body at home bodyweight training Combat Fitness Body Power PUSH UPS Pushup Dive Bomber Hindu Martial arts conditioning combat conditioning "PUSH UPS" Ups the Push Hindu vs. Dive-bomber Pushups "Hindu Push Ups" "Dive-Bomber Push Ups" Eugen Sandow Arthur Saxon bob Hoffman Eugene Sandow Charles atlas Thomas inch strong men farmer burns Rows Incline rows Decline rows Chin ups Pull ups Wide Grip pull ups Narrow grip pull ups Press Ups Pressups Press Up Press Up Wide grip chin ups Narrow grip chin ups Dips if you want more chest training Handstand push ups can take the place of the last push up variation. You can do hand stand push ups with different grips as well. Dynamic tension combat fitness body power

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Get your aback STRONG! Negatively Loaded Pull Ups - There are two variations of Rocket Pull Ups Slow and Fast. Fast requires a great deal of muscle control. Perform a pull up and have a partner place a sandbag or dumbbell between or on your legs. Drop down fast, release the weight at the bottom in one motion, and rocket back to the top. The added weight works just like a weight releaser does on a bench press. The weight accelerates the eccentric portion of the movement, and if released at the right time will do the same to the concentric portion. Keep in mind, muscles to have an elastic quality that can be used or negated when training. Ill use a body weight example. If you start from a standing position and perform a complete vertical leap (drop down fast and explode up), you will be able to jump higher than if you started in a half squat. What happens is the pause causes the muscles elastic quality to dissipate through heat. Slow variation is shown with a hold on the way down. During the negative portion of the lift, the person is stronger. - Joe Hashey, CSCS - Keywords pull up, pull up exercise, sandbag exercise, sandbag training, chin up, pullup, back exercise, improve your pull up, increase pull up, bull strength

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

How to Get Rid of Phlegm

!±8± How to Get Rid of Phlegm

You might want to hold off with that wish. Phlegm is actually good for you. Well, not the thing itself, but what it represents. Phlegm is mucous that becomes congealed and visible. It's almost always a sign of your body fighting off whatever infection is wreaking havoc on your respiratory system - which is actually a good thing. Phlegm is primarily composed of mucous, dead bacteria and virus, dead white blood cells, and various tissues and cells. The difference between phlegm and other mucous is that phlegm comes from your lungs, not from your nasal passages.

In around 400 B.C. it was thought that phlegm was part of the four humours, the four basic substances that were supposed to comprise the human body. The other three humours were black bile, bile, and blood, and when they were balanced, the body would achieve harmony and would thus be healthy. A lack or excess of any of the humours resulted in diseases or disabilities. It was the ancient Greek philosopher Hippocrates (of the Hippocratic Oath fame) who is credited for coming up with this theory. For 2,000 years, it influenced medical thinking until it was discredited in the 1800s.

While phlegm is an indication that your body's immune system is working overtime to get rid of those nasty invaders that are trying to make you sick, coughing up phlegm every few minutes is still a rather unpleasant practice. Here are several things you can do to get rid of the phlegm quicker so you won't have to find yourself in potentially embarrassing and totally awkward situations.

Phlegm Elimination

If you're a smoker, cut the habit. Everyone knows that smoking aggravates and promotes several lung and bronchial problems. As if body infections are not enough, respiratory diseases caused by smoking will give your body additional health issue baggage it does not need. Smoking interferes with your body's ability to fight off any infection, so whatever problems it is currently engaged in that resulted in the formation of mucous will be prolonged. Thus, your phlegm problem will drag on longer. Smoking also kills the cilia that line your lungs, making it harder for you to cough out phlegm. If you've been coughing up brown or gray-colored phlegm, it means that your body is screaming for you to lay off the cigarettes. It would do you well to cut out the filthy habit before those browns and grays become speckled with red - a sure precursor to something serious, like lung cancer.

Treat any nasal or sinus infection that you have. As mentioned earlier, phlegm is just an accumulation of mucous and other dead substances that coagulate and become visible. Mucous isn't a foreign object - your body's airways produce mucous regularly. These mucus secretions don't accumulate because they're regularly cleared to your throat where they are carried down by the saliva. If you have an infection that blocks normal passage to the airways and throat, the mucus doesn't get drained down by the saliva and thus accumulates. Fixing the infection will help fix the additional congestion, easing the accumulation of mucus and phlegm.

Take an expectorant. Expectorants are medicines you can take to clear and loosen up any mucus and phlegm in your respiratory tract. They work by thinning out the mucus so you will be able to easily dislodge it when you cough. Common expectorant medicines are those that contain guaifenesin and bromhexine, so when buying expectorants, be sure to check if these ingredients are present. As with buying any medicine over the counter, be sure to consult with your physician first, just in case you might be subject to complications because of them.

Don't take cough suppressants. Sure, it is pretty annoying when you have a hacking cough every five minutes, causing you to spit out phlegm at pretty much the same rate, but coughing is your body's way of trying to dislodge the phlegm. If you're taking cough suppressants or anything that inhibits your ability to cough, you're essentially allowing the production and build-up of mucus and phlegm in your system since you've basically shut down your body's mechanism to expel them. The sooner you get all the phlegm out of your system, the sooner your coughing will stop, and the sooner you will find relief.

Drink plenty of fluids and liquids. Plenty of liquids and fluids help loosen up any hard, sticky phlegm that is congesting your system. Fluids also help wash down mucus that is regularly deposited on your throat, thereby lessening their chances of building up and coagulating. There are also herbal teas and drinks that help you deal with respiratory problems, and the fewer complications you have, the better your chances of getting rid of respiratory disease effects - mucus and phlegm included.

Spit the phlegm out; don't swallow it. Among the many components that make up phlegm are substances like immunoglobulins and glycoproteins that help your body fight off the infection. When these substances get killed (together with the bacteria and virus they were fighting), they become part of what makes up phlegm. When phlegm gets coughed out, it means that they have served their purpose - remnants and refuse of the battle, so to speak - and are no longer necessary in the proper functioning of the body. They have to be expelled. Therefore, spit them out and don't swallow them back. Aside from the fact that swallowing phlegm is gross and unsanitary, it sometimes gets reintroduced to your pulmonary system, worsening your situation.

There are also home brew remedies you can try that will help in getting rid of your phlegm. Eucalyptus oil mixed with boiling water is a good way to decongest your chest and lessen the abundance of phlegm in your respiratory system. Two to three drops of the oil in boiling water should be enough to do the trick. Hold a towel over your head and deeply breathe in the steam. This will help clear out congested passageways of your respiratory tract, allowing you to spit out the phlegm more easily. Garlic is also said to have expectorant properties, and is considered to be a good supplement for treating congestion.

When your phlegm starts showing up in different colors, it's about time to have yourself checked by a physician. Take a sample of your phlegm for analysis. Different colors usually indicate an underlying condition. Normal phlegm is usually clear and white. Yellow phlegm means that your immune system is functioning properly and is responding to something. Greenish phlegm means that there is definitely an infection in your body. Rusty spots in green phlegm are often an indication of something serious, like internal respiratory micro-bleeding or pneumonia. Brownish phlegm can be a sign of infection, as well as symptoms of too much smoking, as resin is sticking to the phlegm. When this happens, it is always advisable to limit or just stop your smoking habit, as it may be exacerbating whatever respiratory condition you may have.

How to Get Rid of Phlegm

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Tips For Looking Good in Photos

!±8± Tips For Looking Good in Photos

It is very disheartening to see yourself in an unflattering picture. But at the same time you don't want to remove yourself from family portraits. If you are reluctant to go in front of the camera, you should consider trying some of these suggestions that will help you appear slimmer in photographs.

Turn to the side. You'll look thinner if you pose at a three-quarters angle from the camera. One foot should be placed slightly ahead of the other, with the one in front pointed toward the camera. Turn your head to look toward the camera and shift all of your weight to your back foot. By only showing the side profile of your body you will appear thinner in photographs.

Strain your neck out a little. When taking pictures, the placement of your head has a great influence on how thin you will appear. Move your head and neck outward when being photographed so you minimize the chance of being captured with a double chin. Keep in mind to be subtle and natural in your pose, so tilt your head only slightly.

Reach your arms forward. Celebrities know that they look thinner if they hold their arms at a distance from their torso. Hold the arms slightly apart from the body while taking photos.

Keep an upright posture. Standing up straight doesn't just make your mother proud, it helps you look thinner in pictures! Line your spine up with your shoulders. Pull your shoulders back, hold your chest up and contract your abdominals (don't inhale a lot, otherwise your ribs will poke out and everyone will know you're trying to look thinner!).

Don't be photographed from below. If someone takes a photograph for underneath you, you will always look larger than you do in reality. Tell the photographer not to shoot upwards from below your eye level, but instead to shoot from your eye level or above. The added pounds from the camera will be minimized by doing this.

Find something to cover your stomach. A fast way to appear thinner in photographs is to hide your stomach. You can put something in from of your tummy if you want to hide your midsection, perhaps a coat or handbag.

Always wear the proper apparel. If you want to look skinnier in photos you should also think about the clothing you are wearing. To give your body the toned look, try form-fitting underclothing. Don't wear clothes that fit you too tightly, or are so loose that they don't fit you at all.

There are many different tricks to appear smaller when your picture is being taken. Think creatively and try various poses and you will find you are pleased with the pictures you're in.

Tips For Looking Good in Photos

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Five Easy P90X Chin Up Bar Installation Processes

!±8± Five Easy P90X Chin Up Bar Installation Processes

Doing a pull up or chin up might be too risky especially if you just do it on any available horizontal bars that you see. Doing workouts for your arms, shoulders, and back that requires suspending or hanging on a bar like pull up need a fixed bar to ensure your safety while doing it.

The P90X Chin Up has strong bars to sustain your body weight while hanging for several minutes. The bar that you are going to use must be fixed on both sides and is not moving to maintain your balance. The P90X Chin Up Bar meets all these requirements to give you an intensified and safe P90X Chin Up routine. Installation of this bar is as easy as 1, 2, and 3. The installation process is as follows:

1. Assemble the chin up bar by following its full assembly instructions.

This bar comes with an easy to follow assembly instructions. Assembling this equipment may just take you 3-5 minutes to finish.

2. Look for the appropriate doorway.

Your doorway must be strong enough to support the bar and your total body weight. Standard doorways that are 24"-32" wide can support this bar. A doorway that is less likely to be frequented by your family members is suitable for this equipment. You can affix your chin up bar on a doorway that faces your TV set. This enables you to do your workout routine while watching your workout video.

3. Install the brackets of the bar on your chosen doorway.

The brackets that will hold the bar must be set properly on the wall or the top trim of the doorway. You must install it on the proper side of the doorway so that it won't block the opening and closing of the door.

4. Make sure to provide proper spacing of the brackets.

Eight inches is the standard or required gap for the brackets. You can get this by measuring 4" from the doorway's center towards the both sides.

5. Last step to get you going on with your chin up bar is to secure the bracket with screws provided in the package.

The brackets must be secured properly because your safety lies in it. After all assemblies are set, you'll just hook both ends of the bar on the bracket and you can start hanging or doing your pull up or chin up routines with ease and added safety.

Most of the unfinished workouts are due to injuries. Safety must always be kept in mind when doing any activity or workout routine to avoid any possible injuries. And doing your chin up with added safety is made possible by using the right chin up bar.

Five Easy P90X Chin Up Bar Installation Processes

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Body Weight Workout Challenge - push-ups and pull-ups, dips and bodyweight rows Versus

!±8± Body Weight Workout Challenge - push-ups and pull-ups, dips and bodyweight rows Versus

Many people will tell you everything you need to get a great upper body workout and push-ups pullups is. But with the use of a simple tool, like a jump, as you can get a workout similar to dips and rows of body weight and may experience better results. To find out if this is true, we will compare these exercises. And 'push-ups, dips and chin-up lines to body weight than respect. Who will win? Push-ups are probably the most popular of the four practices becausedo not require special equipment and a variety of muscles including the chest, arms, shoulders and core. The disadvantages are push-ups you can strain your wrists, and you need to get their hands on the grounds that too often put a dirty place. Second, push-ups that require only a small part of your body weight to increase strength and limit the potential for muscle growth.

You can change the resistance, raising the feet off the ground. You can walk your feet on a chair and some peopleuntil you get your body in an upright position on his hands as if to his feet against the wall. This adds a lot more resistance, but the head tends to get in the way to the ground and limiting the range of motion during what could be called a vertical push-ups. Now imagine you're a gymnast on parallel bars. The hands and the bar and arms are straight. Although it might not be able to do a somersault from this position, you may be able to make a jump.

Lowerbetween the rods by bending your arms and biceps are parallel to the bar then you rise again. She has just completed a jump. In comparison, using similar dips and push-up muscles that you do not need to get their hands on the floor or loading of the wrists. Also, because it raises the whole body weight drops offer more resistance and strength gains as the push-up without the freedom of movement issue. But because of the increased supply ofMovement must be careful not to extend more. Lower your body to your shoulders a burden too far. If you do not cancel, your full weight to dip some machines, such as the Ultimate Body Press New York dip are intended for private use, you can leave your feet on the ground for support, so that you make your way up to full weight loss body can function. A comparison of the two "push" exercises we want to continue to "pull".

Pull-ups were the kings of resistance exercise on body weight. ThatPull-up, because almost all the muscle groups work in the upper body and are most likely to carry the weight of the body more difficult. The disadvantage is that the vast majority of people can not. So, what do you do when you use the pull-ups like, but you can not? You may like to browse files on body weight. This exercise is very similar to an upward pressure on the head. Hang your body, in a bar that is high on waste. Keep your back straight and the legs and heels only with youtouch the ground to pull the trunk up to the bar and then lower still. This exercise works essentially the same muscles as pullups only with more focus on the upper back and shoulders. There is also a little 'easier, so more people will be able to line weight pull-ups and push-up performance similar to the resistance, allowing you to take your feet off the ground. Finally, the winner here is a matter of personal taste and your fitness goals.

If yousuch as push-ups, but want to add more resistance, then you should switch to diving. If you have tried pull-ups, and are too heavy or you are looking for a new exercise, then you should try it, the lines of the body weight. In any case, press the Ultimate New York Body dive feel like a piece of convenient accessories for exercise equipment that can do both sauces and rows of body weight at home, at work or traveling, then you should try.

Body Weight Workout Challenge - push-ups and pull-ups, dips and bodyweight rows Versus

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Monday, September 12, 2011

Weider 200 Power Tower

!±8± Weider 200 Power Tower

Brand : Weider | Rate : | Price : $139.00
Post Date : Sep 12, 2011 09:45:09 | Usually ships in 24 hours

Lift, pull and push yourself to perfection with the Weider 200 power tower. Now you can tone and tighten your abs and strengthen your entire upper body with the Weider 200. With 4 muscle-strengthening workout stations, the 200 comes with a padded vertical knee raise (VKR) station, a dip station, a multi-grip pull-up station and a push-up station. Other features include an easy-up VKR step and the durability of sewn, vinyl seats.

  • Upper and lower body strength training without the use of weights
  • Vertical knee raise station, pull-up station, push-up station and dip station
  • Made of durable tubular steel with a two-toned, powdercoat finish
  • Stylish padded upholstery for arm support; sturdy, wide base for secure placement
  • Some assembly required

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Swimming lessons for adults - it is never too late

!±8± Swimming lessons for adults - it is never too late

One of the things you need to understand that if you're an adult, and if you can not swim, then you are not alone in this world. Be ready to crush your feelings with the hammer of truth - there are millions of adults worldwide who have no idea of ​​swimming and is almost always their religious books, if they ask for waterways. The first step is the foot in water that is necessary to be able to break through the barrierwhat most adults have trouble if they admit that they do not know how to swim. Once you can take in a group, slowly realizes that you are not alone in the world of non-swimmers.

There are many people who think that formed a bond scary on land and wants to appear to change with swimming lessons. More often than not, arise from the embarrassment stopped when they realize how old they are and how old is the age limit for the generalSwimming lessons. First, this is because they are looking in the wrong place and give way to fast. Once this is done will only be disappointed by what you see and derail your efforts. First, if you ask for swimming lessons, always specify that you want one strictly for adults. Remember, you are not the only one in your area who can not swim, so there will always be a demand for swimming lessons for adults.

Theiris usually more expensive and have a mix of basic and advanced courses. I'm also a little 'later in the evening or on weekends, when most adults, that's for sure these classes are to be employed in each case under consideration during the week. Secondly, there are many adults who take and swimming instructors to familiarize themselves with their private swimming pools and men or women are too often the place of their choice, they are helping to form. This can be anything from an apartmentwith swimming pool in a local gym. The reason why it is never too late to take a bath, because the benefits of swimming and the fact that every adult should know how to do.

The cardiovascular and muscle workout that has priceless swimming, and once you see that as a routine, we become more fit and be able to be balanced with a healthy lifestyle. Even the breathing exercise that is inherent in swimming good for your lungs and you will benefit ifIt begins in the years to come. With so many advantages and opportunities to explore learning to swim, there should be no excuse, nor anything to hinder your path to frolic in the water.

Swimming lessons for adults - it is never too late

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Chin Ups Pull Ups Vs

!±8± Chin Ups Pull Ups Vs

The pull-up bar has become known as one of the most effective pieces of fitness equipment to strengthen the upper body muscles. Although you can use the bar for a variety of exercises, the two most popular are the pull-ups and chin. Although the two terms are often used interchangeably, the question remains: What exercise is more effective?

Both exercises involve attaching a pull-up bar and lift your body weight, until your chin above the level of liquidity (some even say that the chestthe bar). However, there is a distinction between these two very popular weight training body, despite containing both grip and traction of their body weight up.

So, what is the difference?

Well, it's under control. Note, however, this subtle difference in hand position and performance of a new series of specific muscles and is surprisingly hard to come by than the other.The pulling exercise by grasping the bar with his arms outstretchedupwards, with views of the hands away from you. Many upper body, especially on the back are used, is one of the reasons why it is so difficult.

Universally, the pull-up is seen as a difficult exercise, because you do not have the advantages of using the biceps muscles. The chin is made in exactly the same way, except the palms of the hands and fingers are pointing up. This counters the effects a little 'obvious muscles that are targeted. In short, change the grip of the muscles used. Chinups are more focused on the biceps and shoulders, so it is easier to perform. Since it is easier to accomplish, you are also more likely to do more repetitions.

If you think about it, you can not really say one is better than the other. After the "Crossfit Journal", the exercises should be held both replaceable, without preference for a firm. The word is easy to "mix it up." Even if the chin is easily upwards, shall be considered equivalent to firinghigh

To the best of both years, here are some tips to maximize your efforts: You should start from a position of complete "hung", the first lead with your chest, inhale, exhale as you go and when; imagine the elbow down into the ground and does not flex the arm.

Whether you prefer to pull up or chin up, you will greatly benefit both operating. The inclusion of pull-ups and chin-ups in your workout will definitely help you to continue onWay to better fitness.

Chin Ups Pull Ups Vs

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