Doing a pull up or chin up might be too risky especially if you just do it on any available horizontal bars that you see. Doing workouts for your arms, shoulders, and back that requires suspending or hanging on a bar like pull up need a fixed bar to ensure your safety while doing it.
The P90X Chin Up has strong bars to sustain your body weight while hanging for several minutes. The bar that you are going to use must be fixed on both sides and is not moving to maintain your balance. The P90X Chin Up Bar meets all these requirements to give you an intensified and safe P90X Chin Up routine. Installation of this bar is as easy as 1, 2, and 3. The installation process is as follows:
1. Assemble the chin up bar by following its full assembly instructions.
This bar comes with an easy to follow assembly instructions. Assembling this equipment may just take you 3-5 minutes to finish.
2. Look for the appropriate doorway.
Your doorway must be strong enough to support the bar and your total body weight. Standard doorways that are 24"-32" wide can support this bar. A doorway that is less likely to be frequented by your family members is suitable for this equipment. You can affix your chin up bar on a doorway that faces your TV set. This enables you to do your workout routine while watching your workout video.
3. Install the brackets of the bar on your chosen doorway.
The brackets that will hold the bar must be set properly on the wall or the top trim of the doorway. You must install it on the proper side of the doorway so that it won't block the opening and closing of the door.
4. Make sure to provide proper spacing of the brackets.
Eight inches is the standard or required gap for the brackets. You can get this by measuring 4" from the doorway's center towards the both sides.
5. Last step to get you going on with your chin up bar is to secure the bracket with screws provided in the package.
The brackets must be secured properly because your safety lies in it. After all assemblies are set, you'll just hook both ends of the bar on the bracket and you can start hanging or doing your pull up or chin up routines with ease and added safety.
Most of the unfinished workouts are due to injuries. Safety must always be kept in mind when doing any activity or workout routine to avoid any possible injuries. And doing your chin up with added safety is made possible by using the right chin up bar.
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